C++ Modernization With JunC++ion
This is similar to the C++ Legacy use case but your situation is somewhat different. You are not ready to treat your C++ application as legacy code. You have absolutely no intent of moving off C++. Yet within your application's ecosystem, internal or external to your organization, the integration pressures are rising.
Where in the old days exciting new features might be developed by third-party vendors in C++ and then become readily available to you, now they are being written in Java or one of the newer web languages. Many enterprise-level products are written in Java or at least ship with a Java API but no C++ API.
Before JunC++ion, when you had to integrate with a Java API "by hand," you were usually forced to compromise either on quality, performance, feature completeness or pay a steep price for the integration. What's more, it was a static integration that represented a certain version of the Java API at a certain point in time.
Anyone who has ever maintained enterprise solutions knows how deeply unsatisfying it is to be locked into product P's version X due to an out-of-date integration API when other parts of the organization are already happily using version X+4.
JunC++ion solves this problem by keeping the integration cost for the new API version close to zero. If you designed your integration model properly for your use case, it will dynamically adjust to new Java types, deleted Java types, etc. and then it's just up to you to choose which version of the generated integration API you wish to use from C++.
When a Java type or method signature has changed and you are using that type or method via its generated proxies, you will likely get a compiler error that immediately points to the place where you need to make a change in the calling code. JunC++ion creates type-safe integrations. We all know how much cheaper fixing a compiler error is than discovering the problem at runtime on a customer machine.
Yes, JunC++ion saves you a lot of time and money solving your initial integration problem, but it saves you even more in maintaining the solution over time.