: juggernet tutorials

The JuggerNET Tutorials

Yes, we know: real programmers don't read documentation and a product should be intuitively usable without having to study anything.

Unfortunately, integrating Java and .NET is a non-trivial problem. While JuggerNET removes much of the drudgery and creates a beautiful integration solution, nothing comes without a price.

JuggerNET is a complex tool and you can really shoot yourself in the foot by setting up your integration incorrectly. Many evaluators have started by importing Java's rt.jar file into a model. Please don't do that. If they had just read the first three tutorial lessons they would have known that the built-in Java types are picked up via a model property and don't have to be imported at all.

What's more, importing the rt.jar file is interpreted by the code generator as: "I'm interested in ALL types in this jar file!". The evaluators subsequently spent quality time disabling lots of types they didn't need in .NET or cursing the stupid code generator for generating so many proxy types.

You can avoid all this by taking a couple of hours to read the relevant tutorials before you try to solve the integration problem at hand. You don't even have to work through them (though we recommend that you do).

There are three tutorials. The first focuses on code generation, the second on coding with the generated proxy types, and the third on configuring your application at runtime. The coding and configuration tutorials overlap a little bit but it made sense to break out the runtime configuration into its own tutorial.


Learn How To Set Up Your Java/.NET Integration Project

This tutorial introduces you to all code generation topics that you are likely to run into.

Learn How To Use Generated .NET Proxy Types

This tutorial teaches you how to use the generated .NET proxy types in your .NET application.

Learn How To Configure Your Runtime Environment

This tutorial teaches you how to make sure your integrated application is properly configured for the integrated Java components.