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Extend the JDBC API To C++ and .NET!

JDBC Courier is one of Codemesh's derived integration solutions.

We used our JunC++ion and JuggerNET code generators to generate complete C++ and .NET proxy APIs for the entire JDBC API and assorted support types. This pre-configured integration solution has quickly become a popular product by itself.

With JDBC Courier you can now easily standardize on one database driver not just for your Java but also for your C++ and .NET applications:


The Basics on a Few Pages

Get a slightly more detailed product overview and then learn about the technology, the feature set, Codemesh's support policy and product licensing.

Generalized Case Studies

Read about some ways you could benefit from using JDBC Courier.

Use the C++ Proxy Types for the JDBC API

Learn all about the JDBC Courier C++ proxy types and how to use them in your applications to connect to any vendor's JDBC implementation.

Use the .NET Proxy Types for the JDBC API

Learn all about the JDBC Courier .NET proxy types and how to use them in your applications to connect to any vendor's JDBC implementation.