JuggerNET Runtime Library v3.6.54.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Caccess_structA structure used to increase the performance of field accesses. By not marshaling all JNI arguments but rather only using an IntPtr to this structure, we gain a lot of performance benefits
 CBasePeerMarshallerA baseclass that provides default implementations for the delegating versions of Marshal() and Unmarshal() and some utility methods
 CboolArrayThe proxy type for the Java type boolean[]
 CbyteArrayThe proxy type for the Java type byte[]
 Ccall_structA structure used to increase the performance of method invocations. By not marshaling all JNI arguments but rather only using an IntPtr to this structure, we gain a lot of performance benefits
 CcharArrayThe proxy type for the Java type char[]
 CCOMErrorHelperA COM accessible type granting access to extended error information
 CConfigOptionAttributeAn attribute used to signal that a property is a configuration setting
 CDashDOptionTypeA type representing a -D option
 CDashXOptionTypeA type representing a -X option
 CDiagnosticsThis class provides facilities for the debugging of Java/.NET interoperability issues. It includes both a tracing and a memory debugging facility. Tracing can be controlled through a set of Switch instances that govern various groups of functionality
 CdoubleArrayThe proxy type for the Java type double[]
 CfloatArrayThe proxy type for the Java type float[]
 CICOMErrorHelperAn interface granting access to extended error information
 CIJvmThe interface implemented by all JVMs
 CIJvmLoaderThe interface for explicitly configuring or loading a JVM
 CIJvmOptionsAn interface which defines the options that can be configured for a JVM
 CintArrayThe proxy type for the Java type int[]
 CIOptionsAn interface defining the framework options for JuggerNET
 CIPeerMarshallerThe interface implemented by all peer marshallers/unmarshallers
 CIRemoteOptionsAn interface encapsulating the remote (shared JVM) options of JuggerNET
 CJavaClassThe framework type wrapping around a Java type
 CJavaFieldThe framework type wrapping around a Java field
 CJavaMethodThe framework type wrapping around a Java method
 CJavaPeerThe base interface for the .NET version of Java peer types
 CJavaPeerAttributeAn attribute used to signal that a type should be treated as a peer type
 CJavaPeerValueSummary description for JavaPeerValue
 CJavaProxyAn interface implemented by every type that is a proxy type for a Java type. It provides an abstraction layer for getting/setting Java object handles and for getting a duplicated object handle for the same object
 CJavaProxyHelperA class that helps dealing with automatically converted .NET objects. We don't want to leak JNI references when passing .NET strings as arguments. In beta2, we correctly converted the System.String instances to Java strings, but nobody was responsible for the JNI handles and we created a nasty reference leak. This class helps by tracking such string instances and cleaning up the references when it is disposed of
 CJavaProxyLockHolderProvides access to Java synchronization primitives. By declaring the instance in a using block, the .NET runtime will automatically and safely (in the presence of exceptions) enter and exit a critical section based on the specified Java object
 CJavaProxyMonitorProvides access to Java synchronization primitives.

See also
 CJNIHandleA value type used as an argument in framework constructors. We need to be able to create instances of proxy types from an existing JNI object reference. We could use an integer constructor, but then there might be a clash with a proxy constructor that takes integer arguments, so we use this type instead
 CJuggerNETExceptionThe baseclass for all exceptions related to JuggerNET. This includes two major subhierarchies, framework exceptions and proxy exceptions. Among proxy excpetions, it makes sense to distinguish between errors and exceptions
 CJuggerNETFrameworkExceptionThe baseclass for all exceptions occuring in the JuggerNET framework, posibly due to a misconfiguration or due to programmer error
 CJuggerNETInitAttributeAn attribute used to signal that a type should be resolved when it is encountered in an assembly that is being loaded into the process. This property should be used on user-written types that perform an initialization activity in the static class initializer, for example the registration of a configuration hook. It is resolved by calling its static Init() method
 CJuggerNETProxyArrayThe baseclass for all array types that are proxy types for Java types
 CJuggerNETProxyExceptionThe baseclass for all exceptions that are proxy types for exceptions or errors thrown by the Java Runtime. This class cannot extend MarshalByRef because it has to be a descendent of Exception. As a consequence, we cannot really have a fully usable remote exception instance because invoking any Java methods will be meaningless in the remote context when the exception is passed there by value. To make it at least somewhat useful, we provide custom serialization/ deserialization methods that pass the stacktrace and the exception message to the other side
 CJuggerNETProxyObjectThe baseclass for all non-exception types that are proxy types for Java types
 CJuggerNETProxyTypeAttributeAn attribute used to contain additional housekeeping information about the generated proxytype
 CJvmThe default implementation for the IJvm interface. You are unlikely to ever have to use these methods explicitly, unless you want to control in detail how .NET threads are attached to the Java virtual machine
 CJvmLoaderThe class that acts as a factory for JVM instances
 CJvmLoaderConfigurationExceptionThe class representing all exceptions that are thrown when there is a problem in the JvmLoader configuration.
 CJvmLoaderExceptionThe baseclass for all exceptions that are thrown when there is a problem in the JvmLoader.
 CJvmLoaderFactoryA factory class for JvmLoader instances to be used from COM
 CLifeCycleManagerThe LifeCycleManager class allows a user to manage the lifecycle of .NET and related instances better. This class has become necessary because of callbacks and the requirement that both the user-written callback and the generated callback instance be available and not finalized while the Java instance is dispatching callbacks to them
 ClongArrayThe proxy type for the Java type long[]
 CNativeInterfaceA utility class that deals with all interactions with the native side
 CPeerManagerA class that is used to manage PeerMarshallers
 CPeerMarshalContextSummary description for PeerMarshalContext
 CProxyEnumeratorAn implementation of an IEnumerator that works with a Java Iterator or a
Java Enumeration as a backend
 CReflectionPeerValueMarshallerA marshaller that uses reflection to get/set properties
 CshortArrayThe proxy type for the Java type short[]
 CTestSupportA class that offers various methods useful for testing various ugly conditions

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