Codemesh Runtime v3 C++ API Reference  3.9.205
Codemesh Runtime v3 C++ API Reference Documentation


The JunC++ion Runtime API Reference Manual provides API reference documentation for the third major release of Codemesh's JunC++ion product. JunC++ion has come a long way since the first release, and this third release has a lot of additional capabilities and features. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed creating it.

For additional information visit Codemesh online at or go to the main product documentation page.

Codemesh, Inc.
POBox 3410
Westport, MA 02790, USA


The following table provides an overview of feature updates with the version in which they appeared.

3.9 Improved support for modular Java. You can now use several high-level configuration methods to set options like –module-path, –add-opens, –add-exports, . etc. Please note that you could always use setOtherOption() to achieve the same effect.
Added pre- and postincrement and -decrement operators to integral field types. They had somehow been overlooked and no one had missed them.
Added %=, <<= and >>= operators to xmog_byte and xmog_char types. This completes the full complement of assignment operators for integral field types.
Fixed silent bug that exhibited as a crash when a Java exception was thrown as a xmog_exception because no matching proxy exception type was present. The presence of any eligible proxy exception type made it work.
Fixed CheckJNI warning related to exception handling.
3.7 Introduced support for wildcards and environment variables in classpath. Specify environment variables in $(envvar) notation and use a trailing /* to select all jar files in a directory.


The reference manual contains the full API documentation as well as documentation about major functional units. The major functional units are all available via the Module link, but you can also take a look at the following functional units directly from here:

Arrays A description of array features and interoperability
Error Handling A description of error and exception handling capabilities
Java Peer Framework A description of Java peer capabilities
Runtime Configuration A description of runtime configuration methods and options
Security A description of the security features
String Handling A description of the built-in Java/C++ string conversion capabilities
Threading A description of multi- or hyperthread related issues
Tracing A description of the built-in tracing/logging capabilities

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