Codemesh Runtime v3 C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for xmog_java_class, including all inherited members.
add_class(xmog_java_class *clazz) | xmog_java_class | static |
add_field(xmog_java_field *_field) | xmog_java_class | |
add_method(xmog_java_method *_method) | xmog_java_class | |
addDirectoryJarFiles(const char *dirnameUTF, bool preferred=false, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
addInMemoryResourceRoot(const jbyte *bytes, size_t len, bool preferred=false, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
addLocalResourceRoot(const char *filenameUTF, bool preferred=false, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
ARRAY_ELEMENT enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
bootstrap(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
CACHE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
CACHE_DIRTY enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
CACHE_INVALID enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
CACHE_LAZY_WRITE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
CACHING enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
calculate_hashcode(const char *_classNameUTF) | xmog_java_class | static |
calculateMaximumSupportedClassVersion() | xmog_java_class | static |
call_bool_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_boolean_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_byte_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_char_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_double_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_float_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_int_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_long_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_object_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_short_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
call_void_indirect(xmog_java_method *method, jobject instance, xmog_java_values *values, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
CATEGORY enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
copy_jobject_(xmog_base *_rhs, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
DELEGATE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
duplicate_jobject_(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_base | virtual |
DYNAMIC enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
dynamic_ | xmog_base | |
flags enum name | xmog_base | |
flags_ | xmog_base | |
from(const xmog_base &srcInstance, xmog_flags flags=xmog_base::GLOBAL, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
get_array_class() | xmog_java_class | |
get_best_throwable_for(xmog_base *throwable, bool bRemote, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
get_bootstrap_classloader(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
get_class_name() const | xmog_java_class | |
get_class_named(const char *classNameUTF) | xmog_java_class | static |
get_classes() | xmog_java_class | static |
get_exact_throwable_for(const char *classNameUTF) | xmog_java_class | static |
get_fields() | xmog_java_class | |
get_hashcode(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
get_jclass(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
get_jclass(xmog_localenv *env, bool bSuppressExceptions) | xmog_java_class | |
get_jobject_(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_java_ref | virtual |
get_methods() | xmog_java_class | |
get_owning_jobject_(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
get_released_local_jobject_(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_base | virtual |
get_throwables() | xmog_java_class | static |
getClass_method() | xmog_java_class | static |
getClassClassName(jclass clazz, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
getClassName(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
getClassName(jobject inst, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
getInterceptor() const | xmog_java_class | |
getInterceptorCount() | xmog_java_class | static |
GLOBAL enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
has_peer_unmarshaller(bool bHPU) | xmog_java_class | |
has_peer_unmarshaller() const | xmog_java_class | |
IcpAfter enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpArrayCreate enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpArrayGet enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpArraySet enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpBefore enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpContinue enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpCtor enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpDoneWithResult enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpError enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpFieldGet enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpFieldSet enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpIsInstanceOf enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpIsNull enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpMethod enum value | xmog_java_class | |
IcpNativeCharsFromString enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpSpecial enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
IcpStringFromNativeChars enum value (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | |
index_ | xmog_base | |
INDIRECT enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
initThread(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | static |
is_null_(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_base | virtual |
is_same_(const xmog_base &_rhs, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_base | virtual |
isInstance_method() | xmog_java_class | static |
LOCAL enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
NONVIRT enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
NULL_FACTORY_METHOD | xmog_java_class | static |
NULL_FROMJAVA_METHOD | xmog_java_class | static |
NULL_THROW_METHOD | xmog_java_class | static |
NULL_TOJAVA_METHOD | xmog_java_class | static |
operator delete(void *) | xmog_java_class | |
operator new(size_t) | xmog_java_class | |
operator!() const | xmog_java_ref | |
operator!=(const xmog_null &) const | xmog_java_ref | |
operator!=(const xmog_java_ref &) const | xmog_java_ref | |
operator==(const xmog_null &) const | xmog_java_ref | |
operator==(const xmog_java_ref &) const | xmog_java_ref | |
owner_ | xmog_base | |
OWNS_DELEGATE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
release_delegate() | xmog_base | |
release_standalone(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | |
REMOTE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
remove_class(xmog_java_class *clazz) | xmog_java_class | static |
remove_field(xmog_java_field *_field) | xmog_java_class | |
remove_method(xmog_java_method *_method) | xmog_java_class | |
set_jobject_(xmog_base *_rhs, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
setInterceptor(XMOG_INTERCEPTOR icp) | xmog_java_class | |
setOwnsClassName() | xmog_java_class | |
setSecurityManager(xmog_java_method &mSSM, const xmog_java_ref &sm, xmog_localenv *env) | xmog_java_class | static |
STAND_ALONE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
STRING_DIRTY enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
STRING_PTR enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
STRING_WPTR enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
SUPPRESS_LOGGING enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
throw_(jthrowable throwable, xmog_flags flags, int error_code=0, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
transfer_jobject_(xmog_base *_rhs, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
TYPE enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
WEAK_GLOBAL enum value (defined in xmog_base) | xmog_base | |
xmog_base() | xmog_base | |
xmog_base(xmog_java_array *_ref, jint _index) | xmog_base | |
xmog_base(xmog_java_ref *_ref, xmog_java_dynamic *_dynamic, xmog_flags _flags) | xmog_base | |
xmog_base(xmog_java_class *_clazz, xmog_java_dynamic *_dynamic, xmog_flags _flags) | xmog_base | |
xmog_base(xmog_base *_delegate, bool _owns_delegate=true) | xmog_base | |
xmog_base(jobject _local, xmog_flags _flags) | xmog_base | |
xmog_create_java_peer(xmog_java_class *clazz, xmog_localenv *env=NULL, xmog_flags flags=xmog_base::GLOBAL) | xmog_base | virtual |
xmog_equals(const xmog_java_ref &_rhs, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_ref | |
XMOG_FACTORY_METHOD typedef | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_fill_with_standalone_for_(xmog_base *_rhs, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
XMOG_FROMJAVA_METHOD typedef | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_get_java_peer(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
xmog_hashCode(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_ref | |
XMOG_INTERCEPTOR typedef | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_interceptor_result enum name | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_interceptor_what enum name | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_interceptor_when enum name | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_invalidate(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
xmog_java_class() | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_java_class(const char *classNameUTF, bool bDelayInit=false, XMOG_FACTORY_METHOD factoryMethod=NULL_FACTORY_METHOD, XMOG_THROW_METHOD throwMethod=NULL_THROW_METHOD, XMOG_TOJAVA_METHOD toJavaMethod=NULL_TOJAVA_METHOD, XMOG_FROMJAVA_METHOD fromJavaMethod=NULL_FROMJAVA_METHOD, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_java_class(const char *classNameUTF, const char *version, const char *config, bool bDelayInit=false, XMOG_FACTORY_METHOD factoryMethod=NULL_FACTORY_METHOD, XMOG_THROW_METHOD throwMethod=NULL_THROW_METHOD, XMOG_TOJAVA_METHOD toJavaMethod=NULL_TOJAVA_METHOD, XMOG_FROMJAVA_METHOD fromJavaMethod=NULL_FROMJAVA_METHOD, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_java_class(const char *classNameUTF, jbyte *bytes, jint length, bool bDelayInit=false, XMOG_FACTORY_METHOD factoryMethod=NULL_FACTORY_METHOD, XMOG_THROW_METHOD throwMethod=NULL_THROW_METHOD, XMOG_TOJAVA_METHOD toJavaMethod=NULL_TOJAVA_METHOD, XMOG_FROMJAVA_METHOD fromJavaMethod=NULL_FROMJAVA_METHOD, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_java_class(const char *classNameUTF, jbyte *bytes, jint length, jbyte *stubBytes, jint stubLength, jbyte *skelBytes, jint skelLength, bool bDelayInit=false, XMOG_FACTORY_METHOD factoryMethod=NULL_FACTORY_METHOD, XMOG_THROW_METHOD throwMethod=NULL_THROW_METHOD, XMOG_TOJAVA_METHOD toJavaMethod=NULL_TOJAVA_METHOD, XMOG_FROMJAVA_METHOD fromJavaMethod=NULL_FROMJAVA_METHOD, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_java_class(jclass _local, xmog_flags _flags, const char *classNameUTF=NULL, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_java_ref() | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_java_ref(const xmog_null &) | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_java_ref(xmog_java_array *_arr, jint _index) | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_java_ref(xmog_java_class *_clazz, xmog_java_dynamic *_dynamic, xmog_flags _flags) | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_java_ref(xmog_base *_delegate, bool _owns_delegate=true) | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_java_ref(xmog_java_ref *_ref, xmog_java_dynamic *_dynamic, xmog_flags _flags) | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_java_ref(jobject _local, xmog_flags _flags) | xmog_java_ref | |
xmog_lazy_write(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
xmog_monitor_enter(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_java_ref | virtual |
xmog_monitor_exit(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) const | xmog_java_ref | virtual |
XMOG_THROW_METHOD typedef | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_to_(xmog_flags flags, xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
xmog_to_java_peer(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_base | virtual |
XMOG_TOJAVA_METHOD typedef | xmog_java_class | |
xmog_toString(xmog_localenv *env=NULL) | xmog_java_ref | |
~xmog_base() | xmog_base | virtual |
~xmog_java_class() (defined in xmog_java_class) | xmog_java_class | virtual |
~xmog_java_ref() | xmog_java_ref |