: products

Foundational Products

Codemesh's foundational products provide generic, cost-effective cross-language integration capabilities that are not specific to a concrete business problem.

A code generator is used to generate business problem-specific, reliable integration solutions, leveraging a proven and highly performant runtime which handles all the details of interfacing between the two languages.

Click on a product to learn more!

JunC++ion product logo

Industrial Strength Integration of Java and C++

  • Highly reliable Java/C++ integration since 1999!
  • Define integration project in powerful GUI or in plain text files.
  • Generate C++ proxy types from compiled Java code once or as part of your nightly build.
  • Code to C++ proxy types; no need to use JNI.
  • Specify C++ application's Java Runtime Environment through flexible configuration API.
JuggerNET product logo

Industrial Strength Integration of Java and .NET

  • Highly reliable Java/.NET integration since 2003!
  • Define integration project in powerful GUI or in plain text files.
  • Generate C# proxy types from compiled Java code once or as part of your nightly build.
  • Code to C# proxy types from any .NET language; no need to use JNI.
  • Specify .NET application's Java Runtime Environment through flexible configuration API.

Derived Solutions

Codemesh's derived solutions are created using the foundational code generators and some expert knowledge about the specific problem domain. They were first invented as showcases of Codemesh's foundational products but have since become products in their own right.

Click on a solution to learn more!

JMS Courier product logo

Integrate the Java Message Service into C++ or .NET

  • Highest performance, in-process API level integration
  • Complete JMS API is available from C++ or .NET
  • Implement asynchronous MessageListener and ExceptionListener interfaces in C++ or .NET
JDBC Courier product logo

Use JDBC from C++ or .NET

  • Highest performance, in-process API level integration
  • Complete JDBC API is available from C++ or .NET
  • As feature-complete as the underlying driver


Embed WorldWind in .NET

  • Highest performance, in-process API level integration
  • Complete WorldWind API is available from .NET
  • Implement asynchronous WorldWind event listeners in .NET